
  • UP (Karina’s SOLO) is so good currently, and the general public seems to agree haha.I would also like to recommend JENNIE’s new song, Mantra, was surprised by the production of this track!

  • That’s the post.Stream.

  • Today was Follow Again in Seoul Day 2, I refrained from watching literally anything as I wanted my listening experience to MAESTRO to be authentic!Looking forward to the the album release tomorrow! Fighting boys!SAY THE NAME, SEVENTEEN!

  • Today, there was a music show and YOUNGHOON from THE BOYZ while interviewing DOYOUNG from NCT has a voice squeak…. it was so hilarious.Fun times 🙂

  • Today, DOYOUNG performed on Music Bank! I did the fanchant… through the monitor. What about it.Also, my cuties BOYNEXTDOOR won!

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